PErmaneNt makeup

Olympia microblading artist selecting brow microblading pigment color for client

permanent cosmetics + microblading

Microblading is a semi-permanent brow tattoo. This technique is used to create the look of realistic hair strokes by implanting pigment beneath the skin. Microblading can help to add density to existing eyebrow hair or create a natural-looking set of eyebrows for those who experience partial or complete hair loss. The eyebrow shape, color and texture is fully customizable to each individual for the most natural looking results

microblading artist holding tina davies microblading pigment




Wanting to know if Microblading is right for you? During the consultation we will go over the process and what you can expect as well as discussing your brow goals and concerns ensuring to you are a good fit for this service


During this procedure brow shape and pigment color is customized to each individual and pigment is implanted into the skin to create the brows you’ve always dreamed of having. This process will be complete in 2 sessions and a six week touch-up is included in the price and is required to complete the Microblading procedure (6 week touch-up included)



The combination of feathery hair strokes combined with a soft shading effect in the brow that gives more density and coverage in the eyebrows. This is a great option for covering up old faded tattooed eyebrows or someone who is wanting bolder, more defined brows (6 week touch-up included)


microblading Annual touch-up

(7-18 months after last touch-up)
This is your yearly maintenance appointment to keeping those brows looking fresh year after year! Please review and follow our pre and post care instructions prior to this appointment


Blading + Shading Annual touch-up

The combination of feathery hair strokes combined with a soft shading effect in the brow that gives more density and coverage in the eyebrows. This is your yearly maintenance appointment to keeping those brows looking fresh year and after! Please review and follow our pre and post care instructions prior to this appointment


“new client” Microblading touch-up

This is a yearly touch-up on microbladed brows NOT previously done at Habit. Please book a consultation prior to your appointment if you have questions or concerns. Please review and follow our pre and post care instructions prior to this appointment


microblading color boost

(2-6 months after last touch-up appointment)
This appointment can be necessary for oily or difficult skin or anyone who is wanting to give their brows a color boost!


important information



  • Keratosis skin

  • Diabetic

  • Extremely sensitive/thin skin

  • Excessively oily skin

  • Currently on Accutane

  • Allergic to Lidocaine

  • Currently undergoing chemo/radiation

  • Breastfeeding/pregnant


  • No heavy exercise the morning of appointment

  • No alcohol 24 hours before appointment

  • No caffeine the morning of appointment

  • No asprin/ibuprofen 45 hours before appointment

  • Avoid sun exposure for one week

  • No brow waxing, facials or tinting 1 week prior

  • No Retinols on forehead 2 weeks prior

  • No Botox/Fillers on forehead 2 weeks prior


  • Don’t get brows wet for 24 hours after procedure

  • No heavy sweating for 5 days after procedure

  • No salt water/chlorine on brows for 10 days

  • Avoid makeup and facials for 10 days

  • Avoid botox/filler on forehead for 10 days

  • avoid retinols on forehead for 6 weeks